Using the One Ring power wisely is crucial, especially against Captains or War Chiefs with the Combat Master ability. Use Dispatch ( ) to kill off branded enemies and heal. You can summon 5 branded Uruks to fight for you with. Wraith Flash ( + ) will brand Uruks, helping to charge The One Ring power you'll want to make extensive use of this move! Your bow will behave like Celebrimbor's-no Focus, but shots are instantly charged. You will have access to Double Charge (2x special moves when charged) and Shadow Brand ( + to brand from afar).
In Test of the Ring your character plays like a hybrid of Talion from the main story and Celebrimbor from The Bright Lord campaign. All character abilities and upgrades you earn will carry over to the Test of the Ring, and the practice you get from playing the Bright Lord campaign will be invaluable. This solution will focus on a strategy to help meet that time objective.įirst, if you have not played the main story and Bright Lord campaign, do so before attempting this achievement. The third objective is the most challenging requirement to meet. It's very likely you will meet this objective without really trying just from charging the One Ring.
The second objective is a cumulative total-you must simply brand 50 or more regular Uruks during the course of the Trial.
The first objective is a running tally-if one of your branded Captains or War Chiefs dies you will lose one point toward this objective. To earn the "Lord of the Ring" achievement you must also complete all 3 optional objectives: To complete the Test of the Ring you must kill 5 War Chiefs and 12 Captains. The Test of the Ring is one of the Trials of War, accessible from the main menu (Play -> Trials of War -> Test of the Ring).